Welcome to our family homeschooling journey...learning, love, sports, critters, art...life.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A Day in Our Life

Summer 2007- Logan 10 mo. & Hayden 4 yrs. playing in the new sandbox.

Today we had sun and it almost hit 60 degrees...which such a blessing for us with cabin fever! It has been sunny for most of a week now, with sporadic rains here and there, usually at night (the best kind of rains!).

The boys played in the sandbox for almost 2 hours, making mountains and roads. I went outside and we all sat around our garden boxes and picked out old dried up stems from last seasons herbs and tomato plants, speculating what we wanted to plant this coming season. Logan saw and played with his first caterpillar, rolly polly, a small worm and a HUGE night crawler. Weed pulling, digging, eating herbs, broccoli & lettuce (that somehow are still magically growing in our garden, even after so many freezes!) brings peace to the quarreling boys and the sun fills us with warmth & that vitamin D we fall short on up here in the NW.

Working on their new fire pit, with much pride I might add, they take such good care of the border and make sure that it is covered in case of rain. This is a new addition to our life, playing with fire, after hearing an online TED talk about what kids need to know and what they are lacking in this generation. Playing with fire, supervised. They relish the moment when it is their turn to light it, and tend to it (geez, if they could just learn to cover the sandbox as well!).

All is not peaceful, not even most of the time, but today we hit a seasonal high because everyone was so happy to be out of the house, and warm. Of course, arguing in the car is the height of their "fun", taking Morgan to gymnastics is just the best (NOT!).

Baby sleeping, boys looking over their Pokemon cards, Animal Planet on showing the Blue Planet...quiet reigns for now.

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