Yesterday was another game day. We played the game of Life. Again, cereal stuck to the board, crackers mixed w/ the money (despite "no eating around games"), but our game went so long (3 hours) that hunger happened!
They are reading more and more, this game thing really encourages them. Reading, math, learning about which careers make more or less, taxes, lifes pitfalls and celebrations, the inportance of insurance, playing the stock market and families.
Jordan had 5 kids and was a proud Papa, it surprised me! Morgan, who is great w/ kids, took a route leading to more money and missed having kids, he was bummed though because he wanted them. Hayden, he married a guy and had two kids, a boy and a girl. He is in anti-girl space still, but doesn't realize he drops it when he plays with Victoria, Leniesha & Danielle and other girls he knows.
They don't take on long conversations about all of this, but learn it by playing, talking a bit about it here and there, and playing some more. I really do love playing long games, but have to say, playing w/ Logan is kinda like, well, keeping a puppy from jumping on you! He is my last little wild guy, and I think that naming him Rogue didn't help.
So our lessons have been board games, me reading books to them at night time, and watching animal shows on TV. Better than nothin'!
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