Welcome to our family homeschooling journey...learning, love, sports, critters, art...life.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Oregon State Championships!

We went to Bend for Morgan's gymnastics meet this past weekend, and by .6 he made it to regionals! Regionals will be in Beaverton this year (not Boise like last year, woo-hoo!). We hiked to the lava caves and opted out of seeing the bats & caves, turns out it kills them when people wake them on accident (due to the bats having to use their fat stores and using up their energy/food stores and so they don't make it through their hibernation). So we played in the snow, sledding mostly.

The boys had fun w/ their 2nd Cousin Eric, he is just so into kids, the friendliest & most considerate guy...I would have to say in the whole darn family! It is nice to have other family members for the kids to look up to, there just aren't many kids on either side of Mark's family, so when we find someone who is insterested in our large family, we latch on!

Anyway, more on Regionals later!!!

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