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Thursday, May 1, 2008

Unit Studies & Lapbooking

I am gearing up for our first Unit Study...Farm Animals. This is one I have always wanted to do since Morgan was a toddler. I think this will be fun since I can easily tailor it for all the kids, it is Spring and there are a lot of baby animals out there being born, we just came from the Ag Fest and it leads into our next Unit, Veggie Gardening. These are min-Units because I am learning how to do this, and we will do at least one Lapbook during the unit on something specific. I am SO excited, this is what I have always wanted to do, but never really knew where to start. I have a bunch of info from the workshops I took at OHEN and will be posting more soon!


Anonymous said...

Glad you're having fun with unit studies and lapbooking.
It's a great way to teach children about seeking out information and processing it into booklets and folds. They get so proud of their efforts and outcome.

All the best!

mamakendra said...

It should be fun! Advice on this is welcome since we are just starting this new way to school.