Welcome to our family homeschooling journey...learning, love, sports, critters, art...life.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Summer School?

So for the rest of regular school attending society, school is almost out! For the 2006-2007 year we used a very generous and oppressive online school, ORCA to be exact, and let me tell you how hard that was to balance ORCA for 2 kids, take care of a preschooler and a NEWBORN baby...a year with many tears shed by all. However, it did give a kick start to reading.

This last school year, the one about to end, 2007-2008- we unschooled all the way. My house look a little better for it, the kids were a lot happier and well, I got to enjoy my toddler (*was* baby) a lot more!

The question is, do I dare *try* to homeschool over the summer, or just dedicate our summer to just reading books and me learning more about Unit Studies & Lapbooking? That sounds good! Start fresh and new in the Fall! Our co-op is planning on starting up and going bigger this fall, so some prep for that will be good too.

Happy Summer!

1 comment:

Megan said...

We are taking the summer off. Early maternity leave is what I'm calling it.