We are less than homeschoolers, we are less than unschoolers...we are mediaschoolers. First, I want to say that we aren't less in a sense of "we equal less" but in a less as an "educational substance" amount.
After we stopped doing ORCA, we were free at last...free to do whatever we wanted, whenever! So, I set this goal of getting the house caught up before Winter Equinox, then it was New Years, then it was the end Jan...Feb...now March. You see the pattern? ORCA was like a ball & chain, but it was also a good thing...it held us accountable and kept the kids doing something, even if that something was mundane and almost meaningless in the grand scheme of things, it was something.
So, in the past month, I haven't caught up on housework, I have been blogging, doing my own research online, and depressed.
I did turn a new leaf this month though, the kids have been reading books at least once a day, and every so often they do penmanship. Sometimes they do educational stuff online. Oh, and less media overall since I put the no video/computer games in affect a week or two ago. Progress, but we need another shake up in the right direction.
Yesterday I locked all the non-educational channels on cable, so that it wasn't so easy to turn on. No computer, Gamecube or DS/Advance games at all. Now they just watch PBS, Animal Planet and skim around for other "educational pursuits" on the TV. Still, not good enough, but better.
I am starting to feel the "ohmygosh" Morgan's going to be a "junior high kid" next year! But in reality, he is only going to be 11 in June, he can still be considered an "elementary school kid" next year too.
The next step...NO TV, period. We'll get there!
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I heart no tv! You'll be glad you did it!
We did it years ago, for Mark & my first several years of marriage actually. But now...ugh, addicted! Not nightly even, just randomly. The good ol' days of reading to the kids every night for hours. The OHEN conference has a NO TV class I am thinking of signing up for!
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